
Remi Jeffrey-Coker is an Illustrator and designer currently based in Orlando, FL. Remi’s work spans Illustration, Concept Design, Interior Design, 3D Modeling, Themed Entertainment Design, Traditional Art and Motion Media.

Remi comes from an extremely diverse family and has been traveling and exploring the world since she was a baby. As a result, she became very interested in different cultures, environments and architecture from a young age. After many years of professional art courses, she attended Virginia Commonwealth University and earned a BFA in Interior Design.

Now an MFA Illustration student at Savannah College of Art and Design, Remi enjoys visual storytelling in a variety of mediums and markets, while continuing to expand and practice the 3D design and modeling skills she developed during her career in interior design. Remi is currently working towards a career as a concept artist and designer for the themed entertainment and entertainment industries.

You can find Remi’s resume here.